Friday 13 January 2012

Joint Project

A wise tutor once said to me if I didn't like group wrk, I hadn't met my right group.
Well, I've found my right group. I've thoroughly enjoyed this project. I think short projects are always much better, as I find it easier to focus and it's a much better dynamic.
     We made a pack of cards. Honestly, it's so good, I want to send them off to actual card designers and get them professionally done. Leaving them behind at the exhibition was very very hard. Call me paranioid, but I have had work stolen in the past, and I'm terrified people will take the cards. We did make sweet wrappers, (wrapped around sweets) they can take those. but not the cards. We'll put a sign up on monday.
     I really liked utilising everyone's talents on this project. Initailly, it was good to have everyone's brains thinking in the ideas-development stage. After that was when we all started being individually useful. I did the card design and the portraits. Originally, I did in my typical style of illustrating, and once it was chosen we all worked on it inputting text. One graphic designer did the type, and the planning, another stunned us by coming in the next day having taken my design, and put it through illustrator. Although I preferred my original design, as it had more character, from the hand-drawn element, it was true what she said about on the computer, the ink lines not being sharp. If we'd printed them, they would have looked blurry. So she'd copied my design digitally entirely out of adobe illustrator vectors. Goodness knows how, but she sat there for a whole day and computerised the whole design.I definately plan to learn illustrator. And the finished cards look fantastic, very professional, which is partly to do with the printed vectors, and also to do with the card I bought, at the recommendation of our 3D designer, which looks like real card paper, except it isn't shiny. It's just brilliantly textured.
    That is the brilliant thing about group projects of this sort. The rest of us didn't know how to use any software except photoshop, but she did, so was a great help.
   Similarly, our 3D designer was very useful in the planning and making of the table top.
I'm greatly going to miss working with this group. This has been the first project I've properly enjoyed. Previously I've slogged through them, trying to find a part that excites me, and failing. So I feel my work's been a bit average. But this- this is different.
     Next on my to-do list is the book project coming from the Object brief. I enjoyed that most before I started this one, because I got to  write a book, which is what I plan to do with life in general. I still ahven't done the illustrations, planned to do them this week, but of course couldn't what with this project.
    That's one annoying thing. Why do we have three projects at once? Now, of course, it's down to two, but taht's still one too many, seeing the level of work I'll have to produce. I've been learning a lot about how the other design courses are run. Hmmm. I want more projects with real practitioners! We haven't had any! I hope we will, as that is the main reason I wanted to come to camberwell so much: to build up such links.
    Also, although they too have  a lot of work, they have less overall pressure, seemingly, as they haven't bene given more than one project at the same time. And here I was thinking my stress was normal!

(Here are the picture of my original card design.)

The figure is just for spacing. I assure you, none of the portraits look like that!
    My body functions are shutting down from exhaustion. My christmas holidays were more stressful than last term. That's not good! I need a break. I'm only human, and I don't want to have  anervous breakdown at the age of 20, and I actually feel as if it's going that way.

Anyway, here's to a good project! I'm off for gelato.

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