Tuesday 14 December 2010

It's been a while...

I'll trty to ease myself back into this.
I'm now about a month or more into vis com, it's going well, currently i'm trying to compile my work and research into a more tangible form in time for my tutorial, which is this friday. the thing is, lots of the research is in video form, whcih makes documenting that i've actually researched anything at all a little hard. and of course i've been neglecting this blog a bit.

It's fair to say that i do pretty much love Stefan Sagmeister. I watched his video 'design can make you happy' a few weeks ago for the 30 things to do project and LOVED it, and today i re-watched 'lessons learned in life' or something, which i think was related to the lists project. I really liked how everything in his list appeared so disjointedly (if that's even a word) yet had a thread of similarity which linked his work and made the message appear whole, like the wooden words which mistily appeared in a sea of tranquility in what appeared to be a japanese garden (keeping a diary is good for personal development) and the ones made up of people wearing words in everyday city scenarios.
   i shall try to embed it.

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